COVID-19 Pandemic Resources

GCSAA knows your lives and businesses are being affected by the global COVID-19 Pandemic. While there is no lack of general information about the virus and its widespread impact, we wanted to provide you with resources specific to golf and business operations to assist you in this challenging time. Plus, keep up with GCSAA's latest updates concerning the pandemic. 

If you have any information you think would be helpful to share with other members, please e-mail Angela Hartmann, director of marketing and communications.

In addition, we are still here for you, so please contact 800-472-7878 or email, for assistance.

If you have PPE (eyeglasses, masks, etc.) to donate to COVID-19 relief, see links by state or call your local hospital or local, county or state public health department for specific instructions.

GCSAA resources

Regularly Updated

Guidelines, Examples and Talking Points

GCSAA Town Hall Briefings

GCSAA Webinars

Information from other GCSAA members, chapters and golf facilities

CDC information for businesses

OSHA information for businesses

Department of Labor

Allied association and other partners information

Information from universities